Read model data

Model output can be accessed and read using the modelmod module. The modelmod config file model_specs.yaml needs adjustments if you want to include a model that is not present as default. Given that the model output file you would like to read follows the cf-conventions and standard_names are unique, the minimum information you have to provide are usually:

    init_times: []

Often there are ambiguities due to the multiple usage of standard_names. Any such problem can be solved here in the config-file by adding the specified variable name like:

    Hs: VHM0
    time: time
    lons: lon
    lats: lat

The variable aliases (left hand side) need to be specified in the variable_info.yaml. Basic variables are already defined. All specs listed here are also used when wavy writes the retrieved values to netcdf.

>>> from wavy.modelmod import model_class as mc
>>> model = 'mwam4' # default
>>> varalias = 'Hs' # default
>>> sd = "2020-11-1"
>>> ed = "2020-11-2"
>>> mco = mc(sdate=sd) # one time slice
>>> mco_p = mc(sdate=sd,edate=ed) # time period
>>> mco_lt = mc(sdate=sd,leadtime=12) # time slice with lead time

Whenever the keyword “leadtime” is None, a best estimate is assumed and retrieved. The output will be something like:

>>> mco = mc(sdate=sd)

>>> mco.
mco.edate             mco.leadtime          mco.units
mco.fc_date           mco.model             mco.varalias
mco.filestr           mco.quicklook(        mco.varname
mco.get_item_child(   mco.sdate             mco.vars
mco.get_item_parent(  mco.stdvarname

>>> mco.vars.keys()
dict_keys(['longitude', 'latitude', 'time', 'datetime', 'time_unit', 'sea_surface_wave_significant_height', 'meta', 'leadtime'])

For the modelclass objects a quicklook fct exists to depict a certain time step of what you loaded:

>>> mco.quicklook() # for a map


Even though it is possible to access a time period, wavy is not yet optimized to do so and the process will be slow. The reason, being the ambiguous use of lead times, will be improved in future versions.