Welcome to wavy!
wavy is an open source package (under development) with the aim of easing the task of wave model validation. The user can either choose in-situ observation files or remote sensing files to extract time-series and/or collocate with wave model output.
This project is under active development. I try to keep the documentation pristine. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you experience troubles, have questions, or would like to contribute.
wavy just got updated with major changes also in the interfaces. If you need to use the former version (v.1.5.0) please use the branch wavy_v0.1.5.
If you are using wavy please mention the repo under https://github.com/bohlinger/wavy and for info from the documentation refer to this page https://wavyopen.readthedocs.io/. Additionally, the collocation methodology should be referred to with the following article:
Bohlinger, P., Breivik, Ø., Economou, T., Müller, M.: A novel approach to computing super observations for probabilistic wave model validation, Ocean Modelling, 139, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2019.101404, 2019.
A selection of published studies and other work that use wavy can be found under wavy put to use.
- Installation and setup
- Tutorials
- Setting up a project and wavy config files
- Use satellite data
- Read model data
- Read in-situ observations (netcdf/thredds, FROST API)
- Follow storm track
- Consolidate multiple retrievals
- Collocating model output and observations
- Validate the collocated time series
- Validation metrics
- Triple Collocation
- Gridded satellite observations and statistics
- Retrieve AIS
- Workshops and show cases
- Olso wavy workshop 2024
- 0. checklist wavy installation
- 1. wavy config files
- 2. Download L3 satellite altimetry data
- 3. Read satellite data
- 4. access/read in-situ data
- 5. access/read model data
- 6. Collocating model and observations
- 7. Validate the collocated time series
- 8. Regridding data
- 9. Applying filters
- 10. Saving data to netcdf
- Vietnam Validation Workshop 2021
- 1. wavy config files
- 2. download L3 satellite altimetry data
- 3. download L2P and L3 CCI multi-mission satellite altimetry data
- 4. read satellite data
- 5. access/read model data
- 6. collocating model and observations
- 7. dump collocation ts to a netcdf file
- 8. validate the collocated time series
- 9. quick look examples
- 10. Vietnam examples
- Vietnam Validation Workshop 2022
- Vietnam Validation Workshop 2022 #2
- Mozambique Validation Workshop 2023
- 0. checklist wavy installation
- 1. wavy config files
- 2. Download L3 satellite altimetry data
- 3. Read satellite data
- 4. Define your own region
- 5. access/read model data
- 6. Collocating model and observations
- 7. Validate the collocated time series
- 8. Collocate and validate 10m model wind using wind from satellite altimeters
- Mozambique Validation Workshop 2024
- Olso wavy workshop 2024
- One Ocean Expedition
- wavy put to use
- Gallery
- API Reference
- wavy
- Submodules
- wavy.GPfcts
- wavy.ais_module
- wavy.collocation_module
- wavy.consolidate
- wavy.credentials
- wavy.filtermod
- wavy.grid_readers
- wavy.grid_stats
- wavy.gridder_module
- wavy.init_class_insitu
- wavy.init_class_mod
- wavy.init_class_sat
- wavy.insitu_collectors
- wavy.insitu_module
- wavy.insitu_readers
- wavy.model_module
- wavy.model_readers
- wavy.multiins
- wavy.multisat
- wavy.ncmod
- wavy.quicklookmod
- wavy.satellite_collectors
- wavy.satellite_module
- wavy.satellite_readers
- wavy.triple_collocation
- wavy.utils
- wavy.validationmod
- wavy.wconfig
- wavy.writermod
- Submodules
- wavy