
The main task of this module is to acquire, read, and prepare geophysical variables related to wave height from satellite altimetry files for further use.

Module Contents



Class to handle netcdf files containing satellite data e.g.


get_local_files(sdate, edate, twin, product[, ...])

Function to retrieve list of files/paths for available

get_sat_ts(sdate, edate, twin, region, product, ...)

Main function to obtain data from satellite missions.

crop_vardict_to_period(vardict, sdate, edate)

Function to crop the variable dictionary to a given period

check_date(filelst, date)

Checks if str in lst according to desired date (sdate,edate)

poi_sat(indict, twin, distlim, poi, ridx, i)

return: indices for values matching the spatial and

match_poi(indict, twin, distlim, poi)

return: idx that match to region

match_region(LATS, LONS, region, grid_date)

Function to filter satellite data according to region

match_region_rect(LATS, LONS, region)

Takes care of regular grid regions

match_region_geojson(LATS, LONS, region)

Takes care of regions defines as geojson

match_region_poly(LATS, LONS, region, grid_date)

Takes care of region defined as polygon






wavy.satmod.get_local_files(sdate, edate, twin, product, dict_for_sub=None, path_local=None)

Function to retrieve list of files/paths for available locally stored satellite data. This list is used for other functions to query and parsing.


sdate - start date (datetime object) edate - end date (datetime object) twin - time window (temporal constraint) in minutes product - product as of satellite_specs.yaml dict_for_sub - dictionary for substitution in templates local_path - a path if defined


pathlst - list of paths filelst - list of files

wavy.satmod.get_sat_ts(sdate, edate, twin, region, product, pathlst, varalias, poi, distlim, **kwargs)

Main function to obtain data from satellite missions. reads files, apply region and temporal filter

return: adjusted dictionary according to spatial and

temporal contarinst

wavy.satmod.crop_vardict_to_period(vardict, sdate, edate)

Function to crop the variable dictionary to a given period

wavy.satmod.check_date(filelst, date)

Checks if str in lst according to desired date (sdate,edate)

return: idx for file

class wavy.satmod.satellite_class(sdate=None, mission='s3a', product='cmems_L3_NRT', edate=None, twin=30, download=False, path_local=None, region='mwam4', nproc=1, varalias='Hs', api_url=None, filterData=False, poi=None, distlim=None, **kwargs)

Bases: wavy.quicklookmod.quicklook_class_sat, wavy.writermod.writer_class

Class to handle netcdf files containing satellite data e.g. Hs[time], lat[time], lon[time]

This class offers the following added functionality:
  • get swaths of desired days and read

  • get the closest time stamp(s)

  • get the location (lon, lat) for this time stamp

  • get Hs or 10m wind value for this time

  • region mask

get_item_parent(item, attr)

Offers possibility to explore netcdf meta info. by specifying what you are looking for (item), e.g. part of a string, and in which attribute (attr), e.g. standard_name, this function returns the parent parameter name of the query string.


item - (partial) string e.g. [m] attr - attribute e.g. units

return: list of matching parameter strings

e.g. for satellite_class object sco:


Gets all attributes connected to given parameter name.


item - (partial) string e.g. [m]

return: matching parameter string

e.g. for satellite_class object sco:

wavy.satmod.poi_sat(indict, twin, distlim, poi, ridx, i)
return: indices for values matching the spatial and

temporal constraints

wavy.satmod.match_poi(indict, twin, distlim, poi)

return: idx that match to region

wavy.satmod.match_region(LATS, LONS, region, grid_date)

Function to filter satellite data according to region


indices that match the region

wavy.satmod.match_region_rect(LATS, LONS, region)

Takes care of regular grid regions

wavy.satmod.match_region_geojson(LATS, LONS, region)

Takes care of regions defines as geojson

wavy.satmod.match_region_poly(LATS, LONS, region, grid_date)

Takes care of region defined as polygon