
utility fcts for the verification






Suppress stdout.



Retrieves PID and prints it

haversineP(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2)

Calculate the great circle distance between two points

haversine_np(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2)

Calculate the great circle distance between two points

haversineA(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2)

Calculate the great circle distance between two points

runmean_old(→ tuple)

Computes the running mean with various configurations.

runmean(→ tuple)

Computes the running mean with various configurations.

runmean_conv(→ numpy.ndarray)

running mean using convolution

bootstr(a, reps)

Conducts a simple naive bootstrap:

marginalize(a[, b])

Removes entries in both time series that are NaN.


Rounds to nearest hour by adding a timedelta hour if minute >= 30


Rounds to nearest hour by adding a timedelta hour if minute >= 30

sort_files(dirpath, filelst, product, sat)

mv files to sub-folders of year and month

sort_aviso_l2p(dirpath, filelst)

Sort AVISO files according to year and month.

sort_cmems_l3_nrt(dirpath, filelst, sat)

Sort L3 files according to year and month.

sort_cmems_l3_s6a(dirpath, filelst, sat)

Sort L3 s6a files according to year and month.

sort_cmems_l3_my(dirpath, filelst, sat)

Sort L3 files according to year and month.

sort_cci(dirpath, filelst)

Sort L2P and L3 files according to year and month.

sort_eumetsat_l2(dirpath, filelst)

Sort L2 files according to year and month.

get_size(obj[, seen])

Recursively finds size of objects

find_included_times_pd(→ list)

find_included_times(→ list)

Find index/indices of unfiltered time series that fall

collocate_times(→ list)

fct for collocating times within a given twin as tolerance

make_fc_dates(→ list)

fct to create forecast date vector


make_subdict(strsublst[, class_object, class_object_dict])

get_pathtofile(pathlst, strsublst, subdict, date)

Finds and returns path of file given templates and keywords and date.

finditem(search_dict, field)

Takes a dict with nested lists and dicts,

make_pathtofile(tmppath, strsublst, subdict[, date])

Creates a path given templates and keywords and date.

find_direction_convention(filevarname, ncdict)


fct to convert angles from meteorological convention to

get_item_parent(ncdict, item, attr)

get_item_child(ncdict, item)


dispersion_deep_water([T, k, l, cp, cg])

computes requested variable from dispersion relation in deep water

dispersion_shallow_water([l, h, T])

dispersion_intermediate_water([l, h, T])


calc_shallow_water_T([l, h])

wave_length_mask_swim(ds[, llim, ulim])

remove all results for wavelengths below given llim

compute_quantiles(ts, lq)

fct to compute quantiles for given ts


find_tagged_obs(tags, obstype)

expand_nID_for_sensors(nID, obstype)

date_dispatcher(date[, date_incr, incr])

date_next_hour(date, incr)

date_next_day(date, incr)

date_next_month(date, incr)

date_next_year(date, incr)

footprint_pulse_limited_radius(→ float)

Pulse limited footprint radius according to Chelton et al. 2001

build_xr_ds(var, varnames)

Module Contents


Retrieves PID and prints it

wavy.utils.haversineP(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2)

Calculate the great circle distance between two points on the earth (specified in decimal degrees)

wavy.utils.haversine_np(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2)

Calculate the great circle distance between two points on the earth (specified in decimal degrees)

All args must be of equal length.

wavy.utils.haversineA(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2)

Calculate the great circle distance between two points on the earth (specified in decimal degrees) Note: lon1,lat1,lon2, and lat2 can be lists

wavy.utils.runmean_old(vec, win, mode=None, weights=None) tuple

Computes the running mean with various configurations.


vec (numpy.ndarray | list): array of values to me smoothed win (int): window length mode (str): string: left, centered, right weights (numpy.ndarray | list): weights (same size as win)

tuple (out (numpy.ndarray), std (numpy.ndarray)):

array of smoothed values and std deviation

wavy.utils.runmean(vec, win, mode=None, weights=None) tuple

Computes the running mean with various configurations.


vec (numpy.ndarray | list): array of values to me smoothed win (int): window length mode (str): string: left, centered, right weights (numpy.ndarray | list): weights (same size as win)

tuple (out (numpy.ndarray), std (numpy.ndarray)):

array of smoothed values and std deviation

wavy.utils.runmean_conv(x: numpy.ndarray, win: int, mode='flat') numpy.ndarray

running mean using convolution


x (numpy.ndarray): array of values to me smoothed win (int): window length mode (str): which type of smoothing window to pic




out (numpy array): array of smoothed values


ValueError: for wrong dimension of x and wrong windowsize

wavy.utils.bootstr(a, reps)

Conducts a simple naive bootstrap:

input: - a is time series of length n
  • reps (number of repetitions)

output: - an array of dim n x m where

m is the number of repetitions

  • indices of draws

wavy.utils.marginalize(a, b=None)

Removes entries in both time series that are NaN.

input: np.arrays with np.nan for invalids


Rounds to nearest hour by adding a timedelta hour if minute >= 30


Rounds to nearest hour by adding a timedelta hour if minute >= 30

wavy.utils.sort_files(dirpath, filelst, product, sat)

mv files to sub-folders of year and month

wavy.utils.sort_aviso_l2p(dirpath: str, filelst: list)

Sort AVISO files according to year and month.

wavy.utils.sort_cmems_l3_nrt(dirpath: str, filelst: list, sat: str)

Sort L3 files according to year and month.

wavy.utils.sort_cmems_l3_s6a(dirpath: str, filelst: list, sat: str)

Sort L3 s6a files according to year and month.

wavy.utils.sort_cmems_l3_my(dirpath: str, filelst: list, sat: str)

Sort L3 files according to year and month.

wavy.utils.sort_cci(dirpath: str, filelst: list)

Sort L2P and L3 files according to year and month.

wavy.utils.sort_eumetsat_l2(dirpath: str, filelst: list)

Sort L2 files according to year and month.

wavy.utils.get_size(obj, seen=None)

Recursively finds size of objects

From: https://goshippo.com/blog/measure-real-size-any-python-object/

wavy.utils.find_included_times_pd(unfiltered_t: list, sdate: datetime.datetime, edate: datetime.datetime) list
wavy.utils.find_included_times(unfiltered_t: list, target_t=None, sdate=None, edate=None, twin=0) list

Find index/indices of unfiltered time series that fall within a tolerance time window around the target time or within a time window specified by sdate and edate

wavy.utils.collocate_times(unfiltered_t: list, target_t=None, sdate=None, edate=None, twin=None) list

fct for collocating times within a given twin as tolerance target_t and unfiltered_t need to be lists of datetime objects twin is in minutes.

returns idx

wavy.utils.make_fc_dates(sdate: datetime.datetime, edate: datetime.datetime, date_incr_unit: str, date_incr: int) list

fct to create forecast date vector

wavy.utils.system_call(command: str)
wavy.utils.make_subdict(strsublst, class_object=None, class_object_dict=None)
wavy.utils.get_pathtofile(pathlst, strsublst, subdict, date)

Finds and returns path of file given templates and keywords and date.

wavy.utils.finditem(search_dict, field)

Takes a dict with nested lists and dicts, and searches all dicts for a key of the field provided.

wavy.utils.make_pathtofile(tmppath, strsublst, subdict, date=None)

Creates a path given templates and keywords and date.

wavy.utils.find_direction_convention(filevarname, ncdict)

fct to convert angles from meteorological convention to oceanographic and vice versa.

class wavy.utils.NoStdStreams(stdout=None, stderr=None)

Bases: object

Suppress stdout. if argument is verbose stdout is shown, e.g.: with NoStdStreams(verbose)

https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/25417/ is-there-a-better-way-to-make-a-function-silent-on-need

__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
wavy.utils.get_item_parent(ncdict, item, attr)
wavy.utils.get_item_child(ncdict, item)
wavy.utils.dispersion_deep_water(T=None, k=None, l=None, cp=None, cg=None)

computes requested variable from dispersion relation in deep water

wavy.utils.dispersion_shallow_water(l=None, h=None, T=None)
wavy.utils.dispersion_intermediate_water(l=None, h=None, T=None)
wavy.utils.calc_shallow_water_T(l=None, h=None)
wavy.utils.wave_length_mask_swim(ds, llim=50, ulim=2000)

remove all results for wavelengths below given llim

wavy.utils.compute_quantiles(ts, lq)

fct to compute quantiles for given ts


ts - iterable of ts lq - iterable of quantiles


qA - numpy array of quantiles

wavy.utils.find_tagged_obs(tags, obstype)
wavy.utils.expand_nID_for_sensors(nID, obstype)
wavy.utils.date_dispatcher(date, date_incr='d', incr=1)
wavy.utils.date_next_hour(date, incr)
wavy.utils.date_next_day(date, incr)
wavy.utils.date_next_month(date, incr)
wavy.utils.date_next_year(date, incr)
wavy.utils.footprint_pulse_limited_radius(Hs: float, h: float, tau: float) float

Pulse limited footprint radius according to Chelton et al. 2001 as referenced in coastal altimtery book p. 458, EQ 17.1

Footprint size across track depends on: - significant wave height - satellite specs:

  • height over ground (h)

  • pulse duration (tau)

wavy.utils.build_xr_ds(var: tuple, varnames: tuple)